Thursday, January 5, 2012

We ARE in Florida, Aren't We Honey?

Would you believe the temperature dropped to 23 degrees in Webster last night? We totally unhooked our water, drained the pipes at the pedestal, and lowered all our shades as far as they would go to hold in the heat. We were toasty...We were sorry to hear of all the farmers' losses for many of the tomato crops..One farm alone lost 270,000 plants. The TV said that 400 manatees died last year because of the cold. We hope that nature doesn't lose many of these gentle creatures this year.... How sad!

Today, I hopped on my bike and rode the county roads outside the park for about 7 miles today...It's a jungle out there!

The jungle was on one side of the road, dusty cattle ranges and farms were on the other side of a beautiful county road....

Beautiful Spanish moss hanging everywhere!

I saw some wild turkeys cross the road quite a ways ahead of me, then saw this sign posted several times along the road...Florida works hard to preserve its wildlife, don't they?

We chatted some more with our neighbors today...It's amazing how friendly this park is....People stop all the time to talk and ask where we are from and then talk turns to all kinds of topics...What to do in the area, where the best places to eat are, (Sparky was all ears!) who's got a space to rent that you can use along with the coach house, how to keep awning toppers from flapping, the latest gossip about the park being in receivership...(the developer stole money from buyers who invested in the property sites--one guy lost $50,000) and how to tow a Honda CRV without running the battery down and having to pull a fuse---there's a switch that can be wired to avoid all that. We'll look into that at the Tampa RV show next week. The show starts January 11th and runs through the 15th.......We'll be there the first day!

Tonight they had a spaghetti dinner--salad, garlic bread, spaghetti and meatballs all for 6.00 a person. Great deal, great company at our table and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. They have quite a few activities that are going to start up next week when the "regulars" get back. We're looking forward to them! Bye for now.............

1 comment:

  1. The cold nights are good for sleeping glad it warmed up during the day.
