Lambert's Cafe, "home of the THROWN rolls" OK, "THROWED rolls", their words and HUGE portions...That was the highlight of our day today. That and meeting George and Suzi Yates of Our Awesome Travels for lunch. Sparky knew she had met a kindred photographer spirit because immediately entering the restaurant, George whipped out his camera and started firing away with photo flash shots, and Suzie started rolling her eyes. We had a good laugh several times about that because George photographs EVERYTHING, including his food, and so does Sparky. Eldo can't dig in until Sparky has taken a photo. (Yep, it's true...) Sparky forgot to put her camera card in the camera, so today's not-so-hot photos are from the cell phone.
We had a great time with them and really enjoyed their company.
Here's a little review of the restaurant and some info about the FAMOUS Lambert's rolls.....
On Lambert's homemade "Throwed" rolls last year, we used 23,760 - 44 oz. cans of sorghum molasses. Last year we averaged baking 520 dozen rolls per day, for a grand total of 2,246,400 individual rolls.
Will ya look at the SIZE of these rolls? It's like a half a loaf of bread. See Sparky's fork next to the roll for comparison? WOW! And, they were delicious! A guy walks around yelling, "HOT FRESH ROLLS!" You want one? Raise your hand and they THROW the roll to ya. It could be a clear across the room throw, or one close by. Sometimes they miss their target, or rather, the person CATCHING the roll misses, and somebody gets bonked. Eldo got a roll in between his back and the wooden seat because two little cuties behind us were trying to catch the roll and missed! Sometimes you have to duck!
After the rolls, the food came....You get BIG portions and extra sides called "pass arounds" keep coming around like fried okra, black eyed peas, macaroni and tomatoes and more. The entrees are interesting, like this one:
"Something Southern
All the white beans a body can eat with your choice of ham or bologna and 2 vegetables served with a King Edwards cigar or Big Red chewing gum."
Uh, no thanks. But the pot pie was the best chicken pot pie Sparky's ever had...

And then, there is some surprise entertainment....Our waitress really pulled a fast one on Eldo and Sparky. She came by with a big glass pitcher of Coke for a refill for us, and proceeded to toss the contents of the jug at Eldo and Sparky. Sparky jumped a mile to the right on the bench to avoid getting splashed, and Eldo jumped a mile to the left. Only to discover the jug of pop was a FAKE! Too bad George didn't have his camera out for the look of shock on our faces!
A little while later, she was back and squirted French's mustard at us---only a long, yellow string came popping out, which looked like the real thing! And finally, she shoved a pot full of what looked like a huge, hairy grey dust ball in Sparky's face, and it was a fake animal of some sort! EW-W-W-W-W!
Lambert's Cafe is FULL of vintage decor, signs totally covering the walls, license plates, it's decor is EXTREMELY busy and an assault to the eye, although a friendly one. It's a VERY visually stimulating environment, noisy and loud. It's a family destination and has been a tradition for tourists for YEARS. People drive for hours from miles around and neighboring states just to come to Lambert's. Very fun atmosphere at Lambert's even if they are throwing stuff at you. Lambert's was all the more fun with the great company of Suzi and George today....
Tomorrow, there might not be much of a blog, it's a TRAVEL DAY! We're heading to Florida......