Today we traveled from Arizona Hideaway in Picacho, AZ just 20 miles north to Casa Grande, AZ. We discovered Palm Creek RV park doing some research on the internet, then saw billboards offering buy one week, get one week free. Yesterday we had gone to the resort to check things out and were so impressed by the facilities that we talked to the office and found out additional specials. So here we are, at Palm Creek Golf and RV resort for the next two MONTHS and two weeks (stay two months and get two weeks free) We're actually coming in at the tail end of the season, so monthly rates are dropping for March and April...After all the discounts and 10% for booking two months, we will be paying about 18.00 a day...and here's what we get for that....cable, 50 amp, sewer, personal mailbox and all the classes, clubs and special interests you could possibly imagine...Everything from A-Z....
Billiards room |
Basketweaving, billiards, book club, card clubs of all kinds, geneology, jewelry making, lapidary (gemstone working), oil painting, pickleball, pingpong, Pilates, red work (a type of needlework using red thread--very old school!) remote control cars, flyers, and boats, scrapbooking and card making, sewing and quilting, silversmithing, Socrates club (wonder what that is?), softball, stamping stained glass, tennis, yoga, water volleyball, writer's club and ZUMBA (Latin dance exercise class)! Holey moley! We better be in the best shape of our lives after this stay or we should get thirty lashes with a wet noodle! Time to start bikin'! Actually, instead of driving our car all over the park to get to the classes, the beautiful softball field, the pickleball courts, we will be riding our bikes--a LOT!
Silver smithing class |
You'll be seeing a lot of this place, hopefully we won't bore you...but there's so much to do here!...Everything you could possibly want is close by here just outside the theater, a large new mall with the major chain stores, and tons of restaurants. We'll be in the park until it's time to go to Yuma for the Gypsy Journal rally which is next week. We'll pack up the RV, head over to Yuma next week for six days, then back we come to Casa Grande, AZ here at Palm Creek. We'll see what tomorrow brings....bye for now.....
What a great posting about Palm Creek's resort. Nice work.