Well! I told Eldy we weren't going to sit around and watch campfires every day, we are going to get in SHAPE! This guy doesn't fool around! He's ready! out we went today for our first hike, an easy one, about two miles round trip to a lake and back. Went for lunch in Bar Harbor, back to the campsite to stock up on water for a bike ride late this afternoon...we went on what they call carriage roads in Acadia National Park. John Rockefeller developed about 51 miles of carriage roads, 48 miles of them in the park. These carriage roads are fantastic for bike riding..again, lots of pink granite boulders everywhere, and blocks and blocks of granite marking the edge of the road so you don't fall off the road on your bike or carriage. Horse drawn carriage rides are available, but we chose to bike today, and went on a 6.2 mile around Eagle Lake. There are many stone bridges and waterfalls and many more carriage roads to explore in the next few days. The views of the mountains right there at the lake were amazing. Almost all the water in the park streams is suitable for drinking, there is no pollution in the water...streams are marked that are safe to drink from. Maine is truly a beautiful beautiful state...
Okay you are making me want to visit Maine. The pictures are amazing. Jeannie you are so great with a camera. I will have to tell Ted all about it and maybe some day he will let me go there. He actually wants to go hunting there. But we can not find his old boss that told him years ago he could come there. Keep enjoying the retirement and we will keep enjoying the blog.