An R & R kind of day....too cold for Sparky too exercise in water aerobics swim class this morning even if the pool IS heated! Got caught up on blogs a little bit, checked Facebook for the latest family and friends' status....
Sparky went to a wire wrapping bracelet class today to learn more about wire wrapping....and TADA! Here's the final product.....
Is she happy with it? No....for lots of reasons, but that's ok, it was a fun learning experience and Sparky knows things NOT to do for next time. Like get the right side of the bracelet mixed up with the wrong side when forming into an oval! Sparky is VERY hard on herself when she makes things. She wants it to be PERFECT! It's not much consolation to her that the Amish deliberately make a mistake somewhere in their quilts when they make them, Sparky is just very critical of herself in lots of things, especially creating things....Working on not being so hard on herself, but it's a lifetime of being that way, so it's hard to change!
Eldo napped, we took it easy the rest of the day! Sparky asked Eldo what he did today while she was in class, and to quote a famous blogger, " I didn't do nuttin'!" (That well known blogger would be Billy Bob, explains E.)
Saw a wood stork out in the retention pond just outside our park today....That's where we saw the roseate spoonbill last week! The pond seems to attract lots of different kinds of herons and ibis as well....
Sparky visited the stained glass workshop at Sun 'n' Fun...There are some cool things going on. Sparky should have signed up for a class, but that would entail more supplies of a different nature and collecting more tools and glass..(Oh, NO! wails E.) No worries, mate. She'll wait till next year to take the class if we return to Sun 'n' Fun. She has beautiful stained glass panels and tools back in storage in Indiana. Might have to get those out next visit home. How about a shamrock? Eldo needs one for the motorhome to celebrate the Irish Notre Dame team. Or maybe a leprechaun, now that would be a real challenge, considering Sparky has never done stained glass before!

Well, I for one, think your bracelet is beautiful. And very unique.
ReplyDeleteI agree. It sure looks beautiful to me and very intricate. You are depressing me with how long you have had the crud. Is it time to see a doctor?
ReplyDeleteNice to take it easy ya know, relax and enjoy!