Sparky went for a bike ride around the park today. You can ride and ride all over, around and through the park, and get about six miles in if you are thorough. The park is SO empty! Many rigs have been placed in storage inside the park.
Well, Sparky decided that she better get a MOVIN' on cleaning the rig...She's been rather lazy lately, and had let things slide. Not that cleaning an RV is a big deal, you can get the job done in about half an hour. Sparky wonders how her housekeeping skills would be in a regular sized house? Of course, Eldy would help her! At any rate, time to do the basic chores today-- mop floors, wipe counters, vacuum, and clean the little bathroom. Done! Our Phaeton has a central vac of all things, so vacuuming goes pretty quickly!
What we decided to do next was to move out some of our winter stuff into a storage shed since we're planning on spending the next winter season here in Sarasota. We have quite a few winter items that take up a lot of space---coats, hats, and a variety of hiking boots, lots of shoes we never wear, and clothes we haven't worn since we hit the road. We actually did need some of that stuff all over the country as we traveled in all kinds of climates, but lately we have been concentrating our stay in Florida and the south so now we don't need it. We haven't left Sarasota yet, but we need to make more room in the motorhome, so Sparky can have more room for her crafts--NOT! (says a very determined E.)
So-o-o-o...we rented a storage shed right across the street from Sun 'n' Fun, because that's where we are going to be next winter. No, not in the storage shed! tee hee hee :-) We have plans to stay at Sun 'n' Fun from December thru March this coming season.

Sparky started carting over a BUNCH of winter wear stuff in space bags that we probably won't be needing for quite some time.
After making a couple of trips to the storage shed, we were beat in the heat! Time for a beer for Eldy and a soda for Sparky over at Mi Pueblo, our favorite Mexican restaurant.
Sparky had her favorite tacos--shrimp with mango salsa, Eldy had a shredded beef burrito...Sparky LOVES ethnic foods...She thinks we need to find a great Chinese/Thai restaurant to try! (Oh, boy....not my favorite, but if Mama's happy, then everybody's happy. Guess we will be looking for a good Chinese restaurant soon, says E.) That was too easy! (says Sparky. :-)
Some fun stuff coming up soon with the holiday weekend! We'll see you later!
It is so nice to clean the rv quick and easy.
ReplyDeleteGood deal on the storage same size here is $115. a month so we prefer to purge rather than store.
I think we all put off house cleaning especially because it really doesn't take that long to do. I can relate to spring cleaning - we just gave away two bags of clothing to the Goodwill.
ReplyDeleteNice that you can bike ride around the park and get in so many miles. Good for you.