He lasted 5 seconds |
Yesterday it rained the entire day. We drove around and looked at all the different decors of the casinos, and we signed up for rewards cards in hopes of earning some kind of prize, and Eldy did. He won $100.00 of slot play so later today, we are going to go have fun on someone else's dime! We are really not into gambling, so this was a nice bonus for us. Later we explored a little bit of the Riverwalk area...a nice park with a walking trail, and the Tunica Museum on the grounds. The walking trail sign cautioned in very large print--"WATCH FOR POISONOUS SNAKES AND BITING INSECTS." Uh, we passed on the short walking trail today. The snakes were probably out sunning themselves on the trail or hanging in the trees. That's also what the sign said! The Tunica Museum was REALLY interesting and very impressive! It sits on a bluff above the Mississippi river. Everything you ever wanted to know about the Mississippi River, the delta, the floods, the blues, the habitats of the river creatures, the fish, the cotton workers, the leavees..they've got a fantastic set of four aquariums, and that very cool, awesome lighting where you walk in and go..."O--o-o-o-h...this is so cool!" It's low level light so all the exhibits are well lit and draw your attention; it's colorful, and you learn all kinds of things just by going thru it. As an almost senior citizen, (sometimes I qualify, sometimes I don't) I'm excited about this stage in my life where I can choose to learn what I want. So much of our learning these days is dictated by tests, by limited funds for school curriculum enrichment, but now I can learn whatever and whenever I want to! It's fun! What did I learn today? Here are just a few bits and pieces, but still thought they were interesting nuggets of info:
Tunica Museum |
1) Dogs were used in European warfare and against and the Indians.... The explorer DeSoto used trained mastiffs and greyhounds to attack uncooperative Indians (as if there weren't enough insults and injuries committed against them already!) and to track down escapees. Very few ever successfully escaped. Mastiffs would bite and tear any enemy who got in their way. Greyhounds reportedly could chew the face off of a man.....(my 7th grade boys would be paying rapt attention right now...)
2) The Mississippi Delta has at least 28 ft. of rich, fertile topsoil covering the flatlands compared to say, Texas, which only has 4 feet. There were cool columns set side by side and in scale to visually demonstrate the difference....wow!
4) There was a set of visuals using marked cement columns on the grounds of the museum showing how high the floods can be and what percent the chances are of having more devastating floods. It truly gave you a reality check on how high the Mississippi floods when it does. And finally, here I am standing in front of the aquariums, and I just thought this was kinda cool, being able to see myself in the reflection. I wonder, who is watching whom?!
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