A photo journal about returning to full time RVing after seven years of homeownership. We full timed in a motorhome for three years, then came off the road to a house for seven years, we missed full timing so much we sold our house and bought a fifth wheel. On the road again!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Never a dull moment...
We didn't have time this morning for Sturbridge Village, but that may be on the way back through in a couple of weeks. We woke up around 7:00 this morning with the carbon monoxide detector going off! I bounded out of bed to check the batteries. We were so nervous about it going off, we couldn't decide whether it was the batteries chirping for replacement or a genuine CO warning. I checked the batteries and we were fine. Here's what we think happened. After the low voltage problems of last night at the campground, we ran our generator all night long so we could use our motor home appliances. We think there could have been an updraft of exhaust due to wind conditions and temporarily got an elevated CO reading inside the motor home. After checking the batteries which were good, we put them back in the detector and the alarm did not go off any further. I got the literature out on the detector, and there were several instances where the CO alarm could go off temporarily. Some conditions would also be blocked vent pipe, wind conditions, etc. There can be cross currents of exhaust from fans, vents, etc.We think everything is fine. No further alarms went off. After calming down from the alarm, and eating a quick snack breakfast, we got on the Massachusetts Turnpike and at the first toll booth, we got into the wrong lane..there were three lanes that said "FAST PASS" and we thought said "cash" at the top at one of them, so Eldy picked it. Well, it was a electronic pass lane ONLY...we were three lanes too far over. Fast pass lanes on both sides of us. Somehow we had to cross over two lanes, reverse our direction and head back. Eldy decided he was going to have to turn around. I thought he meant pull around and head back the other direction, get off the highway, then come back on in the correct direction. WRONG! He did a complete U turn with the car in tow behind the motor home! It was a tense few moments as we had to wait for cars to come by us, and to let us turn the whole two units around.. We did a "U-ee" with a cop looking on in the toll plaza lane! Yikes! And RVing is suppposed to be relaxing! We are currently driving through New Hampshire briefly..we crossed the Merrimac River today..it's HUGE! We're headed to Smuggler's Den Campground in Acadia National Park today, we will be two days early, but we can get in....
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